Mission Office
Dear friend of the missionary Church,
Thank you for accepting our invitation to the wedding banquet this past year. Inspired by Pope Francis' theme for this year's World Mission Sunday, "Go and invite everyone to the banquet," rooted in the Gospel of Matthew, this report celebrates the global communion we share through our mission to spread the Good News to all.
This table is set by those who answer Christ's call to "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19), extending an inclusive invitation to all corners of the Earth, especially in territories where it has not yet been received, has been only recently embraced, or is courageously upheld in the face of persecution.
In these pages, you will read stories of those missionary men and women who, embodying the spirit of the Gospel, have forsaken familiarity to sow seeds of faith in the hearts of those they serve. You will see how your generosity and prayers have empowered these brave souls and supported the nascent churches they serve. From the windswept plains of Mongolia to the dense forests of the Amazon, your contributions have made you a partaker in this holy mission a mission that continues to invite everyone to experience the boundless love of God.
We invite you now to share in the fruits of this mission. Let your heart be moved by the accounts of faith that blossom in adversity and by the faces of those who now know Christ because you answered the call to pray and give. As we look to the future, be inspired by the vision that drives us forward, ever-expanding the reach of this banquet, so that more may come, and none may be left outside. Your support not only provides bread for the body but also sustenance for the soul. Each story, each photograph, each figure in this report represents a seat at the vast table of brotherhood and divine love, made possible by your generosity and prayers.
We thank you for helping to extend this sacred invitation, ensuring that no one is left outside the banquet of the Lord. May the accounts shared here inspire you as much as your support inspires our mission, prompting us all to continue setting the table for the feast of faith that awaits.
With deepest gratitude and blessings,
The Pontifical Mission Societies USA
Dear friend of the missionary Church,
Thank you for accepting our invitation to the wedding banquet this past year. Inspired by Pope Francis' theme for this year's World Mission Sunday, "Go and invite everyone to the banquet," rooted in the Gospel of Matthew, this report celebrates the global communion we share through our mission to spread the Good News to all.
This table is set by those who answer Christ's call to "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19), extending an inclusive invitation to all corners of the Earth, especially in territories where it has not yet been received, has been only recently embraced, or is courageously upheld in the face of persecution.
In these pages, you will read stories of those missionary men and women who, embodying the spirit of the Gospel, have forsaken familiarity to sow seeds of faith in the hearts of those they serve. You will see how your generosity and prayers have empowered these brave souls and supported the nascent churches they serve. From the windswept plains of Mongolia to the dense forests of the Amazon, your contributions have made you a partaker in this holy mission a mission that continues to invite everyone to experience the boundless love of God.
We invite you now to share in the fruits of this mission. Let your heart be moved by the accounts of faith that blossom in adversity and by the faces of those who now know Christ because you answered the call to pray and give. As we look to the future, be inspired by the vision that drives us forward, ever expanding the reach of this banquet, so that more may come, and none may be left outside. Your support not only provides bread for the body but also sustenance for the soul. Each story, each photograph, each figure in this report represents a seat at the vast table of brotherhood and divine love, made possible by your generosity and prayers.
We thank you for helping to extend this sacred invitation, ensuring that no one is left outside the banquet of the Lord. May the accounts shared here inspire you as much as your support inspires our mission, prompting us all to continue setting the table for the feast of faith that awaits.
With deepest gratitude and blessings,
The Pontifical Mission Societies USA
The Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has a two-pronged purpose:
To promote mission awareness among the people of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
To collect funds for the support of the missions
This purpose is achieved primarily through the works of:
1. The Pontifical Mission Societies, which include:
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - It's main thrust is the celebration of World Mission Sunday by inviting Catholics to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. For this purpose, information is mailed throughout the diocese.
Missionary Childhood Association - HCA fosters children's awareness of the missionary nature of the Church by offering educational and fund-raising material for children from Kindergarten to 8th grade through Catholic schools and religious education classes in parishes.
The Society of St. Peter Apostle - The goal of the Society of St. Peter is to invite individuals to support the education of candidates for the Catholic priesthood in the Developing World and to support the formation of men and women candidates for the religious life in the missions.
Missionary Union of Priests and Religious - This spiritual apostolate encourages those already engaged in the work of the Church to support the work of the Missions — and perhaps to become missionaries themselves - by addressing those called to bring Catholics to a better understanding of their baptismal responsibility for the church's missionary work — to priests, Religious, seminarians, pastoral leaders and those engaged in catechesis and religious education.
International arm of the Catholic Church in the U.S. founded by the American Bishops, CRS works in more than 90 countries supporting self-help projects in the areas of agriculture, education, health and small enterprise development that involve people and communities in their own development. In the U.S. CRS offers educational and fund-raising material, such as Operation Rice Bowl, Food Fast, Work of Human Hands. 25% of the proceeds collected through Operation Rice Bowl remain in our diocese to be used to advance local initiatives.
3. Missionary Cooperative Plan
Missionaries from around the world are invited to visit our parishes for mission appeals once a year.
4. Other Activities:
Provides support and promotes the missionary efforts of our archdiocesan missionary priest working in Guatemala.
Collaborates with the Honduras Initiative Committee. The Honduras Initiative, created by the Bishops of Texas in 1999, is a commitment that has paired our Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and the Diocese of Laredo with the Diocese of Comayagua, Honduras in an exchange of pastoral, humanitarian and financial support.
Provides information regarding mission opportunities for lay people interested in participating in short and long- term mission experiences.
Collaborates with the Archdiocesan Mission Council and other Archdiocesan departments in order to further promote the missionary charism of the Church within our Archdiocese.